

rgb(240, 83, 28)

hsl(16, 88, 53)



rgb(255, 167, 79)

hsl(30, 100, 65)



rgb(46, 75, 60)

hsl(149, 24, 24)



rgb(247, 223, 186)

hsl(36, 79, 85)



rgb(247, 237, 218)

hsl(39, 64, 91)



rgb(207, 201, 194)

hsl(32, 12, 79)



rgb(140, 135, 125)

hsl(40, 6, 52)



rgb(69, 64, 61)

hsl(22, 6, 25)



rgb(21, 23, 24)

hsl(200, 7, 9)



rgb(19, 18, 17)

hsl(30, 6, 7)



rgb(4, 4, 4)

hsl(0, 0, 2)



rgb(250, 250, 250)

hsl(0, 0, 98)

Geist Sans

Font Family: Bold, Black

Geist Mono

Font Family: Regular, Bold, Black, UltraBlack


Headline 1

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Headline 4

Headline 5

Body large big paragraphs.

Body large big paragraphs.

Body text large for big paragraphs.

Body text large for big paragraphs.

Body text large for big paragraphs.

Body text normal, used for most readble content.

Body text normal, used for most readble content.

Body text normal, used for most readble content.

Body text bold, could be used for links and navigation elements.

Body text bold, could be used for links and navigation elements.

Body text bold, could be used for links and navigation elements.

Caption regular

Caption medium

Caption bold

Caption small regular

Caption small medium

Caption small bold

Caption very small regular

Caption very small medium

Caption very small bold

XL Button

Large Button

Default Button

Small Button